AC Power Theft Using IOT

             Due to fraud of electricity consumers power utilities lose large amount of money every year. Electricity fraud can be defined as a dishonest or illegal use of electricity equipment or service with the intention to avoid billing charge. It is difficult to distinguish between honest and fraudulent customers. Realistically, electric utilities will never be able to eliminate fraud. It is possible, however to take measures to detect, prevent and reduce fraud. Investigations are undertaken by electric utility companies to assess the impact of technical losses in generation, transmission and distribution networks, and the overall performance of power networks. The installed capacity of the electricity sector in India is 344.00 Giga Watts as on 30 June 2018, which includes renewable and non-renewable sources. The per capita electricity consumption in India in 2016-2017 was 1,122 kWh. Electricity losses are the result of technical inefficiency and theft, but in places with good technical efficiency and low theft, T&D losses generally range between 6% and 8%. The work finds the solution for monitoring the power theft happening in and around a particular locality. The new research has been done for which concern about power consumption and smart prepaid energy meter are discussed. At the time of purchasing the meter according to the requirement of customer the limit of meter will be set; in the same way the limit of transformer is also set according to the consumer requirement of the particular area. If the consumer uses the power beyond the limit of the meter in that case, they have to pay the penalty. As many of the consumer’s uses the high amount of power which crosses the limit of the transformer at that time the probability of busting of transformer increases. So, in this paper we proposed a method to overcome above problem this paper mainly focusing on identifying and controlling of power in the range of limit of the meter. The IOT has recently become universal to highlight the vision of a global structure of interconnected physical objects. 

Project Description


         Despite many efforts, Energy crisis is the present-day problem and it is getting worse day by day. To overcome this situation people are finding various energy efficient resources. In this paper, a model is designed which aims to identify and control power consumption of a particular area or sector. The designed model monitors the power consumption of the end users and cut off the power supply when it exceeds the set limit. The device sends the power consumption data to the concerned person through server using Internet of Things (IoT) technology. The designed model can be placed before the transmission of the load in each house of that particular area. It consists a meter that generates a continuous unit pulse which can communicate with network through an Internet gateway WI-FI. With the help of internet accessibility, communication will be possible between end-user and the supplier. The supplier can monitor and control the power consumption of the end user from a place. Along with that the device sends notification to the supplier about status of power consumed.


  • Arduino UNO
  • AC Current Sensor
  • Node MCU 
  • Relay Driver
  • LCD Display
  • Power Supply


  • Arduino IDE
  • Embedded C

Project Block Diagram

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