Advanced Smart Helmet and Automatic Accident Alert System

Road accidents rates are very high nowadays, especially two wheelers. This system aims to alert the concerned people. A smart helmet is a special idea which makes motorcycle driving safer than before. The working of this smart helmet is very simple, IR sensors are placed in different places of helmet where the probability of hitting is more which are connected to microcontroller board and it’s to detect if the person to wear the helmet or not. The vibration sensor is used for to identify and alert accident detection. So these sensors are sense and gives to the microcontroller board.

Project Description


Road accidents rates are very high nowadays, especially two wheelers. This system aims to alert the concerned people. A smart helmet is a special idea which makes motorcycle driving safer than before. The working of this smart helmet is very simple, IR sensors are placed in different places of helmet where the probability of hitting is more which are connected to microcontroller board and it’s to detect if the person to wear the helmet or not. The vibration sensor is used for to identify and alert accident detection. So these sensors are sense and gives to the microcontroller board. This paper deals with accident detection system that occurs due to carelessness of the person who is driving the vehicle. This introduces accident alerting system which alerts the person who is driving the vehicle. Once the accident occurs to the vehicle this system will send information to registered mobile number through the server.


  • Arduino mother board
  • Vibration sensor
  • Node MCU
  • Buzzer
  • Liquid Crystal Display
  • Power Supply 

Software Requirements

  • Arduino IDE
  • Proteus Simulation
  • Embedded C

Project Block Diagram

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