Class Room Identification System For Visually Impaired Students Using RFID

One of the most important limitations for people with visual impairment is the inability of unassisted navigation and orientation in unfamiliar buildings. An low-cost indoor navigation system, which is based on mobile terminals, supporting technology Near Field Communication (NFC), and Java program access to Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags, is developed. The proposed navigation system enables users to imagine the map of the rooms. This information is stored in RFID tags in WAP Binary extensible Mark up Language (WBXML) format. The system allows leaving audio messages that are recorded in RFID tags in Adaptive Multi Rate (AMR) format. Voice enabled navigation, that is familiar to users with visual disabilities, is used.

Project Description


              One of the most important limitations for people with visual impairment is the inability of unassisted navigation and orientation in unfamiliar buildings. An low-cost indoor navigation system, which is based on mobile terminals, supporting technology Near Field Communication (NFC), and Java program access to Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags, is developed. The proposed navigation system enables users to imagine the map of the rooms. This information is stored in RFID tags in WAP Binary extensible mark up Language (WBXML) format. The system allows leaving audio messages that are recorded in RFID tags in Adaptive Multi Rate (AMR) format. Voice enabled navigation, that is familiar to users with visual disabilities, is used.


  • RFID Tag
  • RFID Reader
  • Micro controller
  • Speaker
  • Power supply


  • Embedded C
  • Proteus Simulation

Project Block Diagram

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