Intelligent Shopping Cart with Online Payment for Futuristic Shopping Experience

Computer vision-based approaches and usage of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) are proposed in literature for assisting visually impaired people at various scenarios. RFID system has RFID readers and tags. It uses Electromagnetic fields to identify the location of the objects attached with the tag and track them continuously. The RFID tag is used to Identification of product and its readed by RFID reader. It created an automated central billing system for supermarkets and mall using controller and RFID technology. As the purchased product information is transferred to central billing system and LCD display of the trolley then the customers need not wait for to pay the bill in billing section.

            RFID reader transmits the encoded radio signal to check the presence of RFID tag using the transmitter antenna. In the event that the tag is within the reading range of the transmitter antenna, the tag will receive the transmitted signal. Once the tag receives the signal, the induced power in the tag antenna will activate the IC on the tag by the induced current on tag antenna and then the signal backscatters to the receiver antenna with the information retrieved from the Tag IC. Thereafter, the receiver antenna receives the tag information and send to the RFID reader for further processing. In this application, it is important to consider both near field and far field patterns for tag detection. The main aim of this research is to develop a RFID system that works simultaneously with multiple antennas inside a shopping trolley.

Project Description


              Purchasing and shopping at big malls is becoming daily activity in various cities. There is big rush at these malls on holidays and weekends. People purchase different items and put them in trolley. After completion of purchases, one needs to go to billing counter for payments. At billing counter, the cashier prepares the bill using bar code reader which is very time-consuming process and results in long queue at billing counter. Retailers are often interested in low cost mechanisms to maintain stocks as well as for tracing products across the supply chain in an efficient and effective manner. In addition, shoplifting is another concern faced because of the lack of effectiveness in product tracing technique such as “barcode” used in retail super markets.  In this project, we implement the automatic goods carrier navigation and the billing system in the shopping malls. The structure of the goods carrier consists of the robotic structure and keypad which is used to navigate the robotic goods carrier along the particular way. The use of product code reader is to read the bar codes of all products to define the name and price of the products. Depending on the signal from the reader, the controller displays the name and price of each product by using the LCD display. 


  • Arduino UNO 
  • RFID Tag
  • RFID Reader
  • Ultrasonic Sensor
  • Key Button 
  • Node MCU 
  • Buzzer 
  • LCD Display 
  • Power Supply


  • Arduino IDE
  • Embedded C

Project Block Diagram

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