As rapid change in technology always aims to serve the mankind, the expectation for living a simple yet advance life keeps on increasing. Internet has become an important part of human’s social life and educational life without which they are just helpless. The Internet of things (IOT) devices not only controls but also monitors the electronic, electrical and various mechanical systems which are used in various types of infrastructures. These devices which are connected to the cloud server are controlled by a single user (also known as admin) which are again transmitted or notified to all the authorized user connected to that network. Various electronics and electrical devices are connected and controlled remotely through different network infrastructures. Web browser present in laptop or smart phone or any other smart technique through which we can operate switches, simply removes the hassle of manually operating a switch. Now a day’s although smart switches are available they proves to be very costly, also for their working we required additional devices such as hub or switch. As there is rapid change in wireless technology several connectivity devices are available in the market which solves the purpose of communicating medium with the device and the micro-controller. Starting from Bluetooth to Wi-Fi, from ZigBee to Z-wave and NFC all solve the purpose of communicating medium. RF and ZigBee are used to used in most wireless networks. In this project we have taken ESP8266-01 Wi-Fi module which is programmed through Arduino UNO to control various devices.
This paper presents a low cost flexible and reliable load control automation system with additional security using Arduino microcontroller, through WIFI for accessing and controlling devices by authorized user remotely using Smart phone application. The proposed system is server independent and uses Internet of things to control human desired appliances starting from lab machine to human goods. The user can also use different devices for controlling by the help of web-browser, smart phone or IR remote module. To demonstrate the effectiveness and feasibility of this system, in this paper we present a load control system using Arduino UNO microcontroller and esp8266 as a connectivity module. We have tested our system through conducted experiment on various environmental conditions. In addition the sensors are used to monitor the temperature and humidity through the web application.
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