The water consumption monitoring and alert system via Internet of Things (IoT) Cloud is a one of the platform to monitor amount of water usage in domestic household per day, per week and per year in the real-time on mobile phone. The IOT server provide interface to display the water consumption level data and also can be illustrated using graph. The graph shown water consumption per day in household, when the water start flowing through the sensor, that sensor start measuring the volume of water and send data to IoT platform. Using this system when the data reach the specified limit of water consumption specified, an alert on the excessive usage of water is send to the home user through notification to the phone.
The water consumption monitoring and alert system via Internet of Things (IoT) Cloud is a one of the platform to monitor amount of water usage in domestic household per day, per week and per year in the real-time on mobile phone. The IOT server provide interface to display the water consumption level data and also can be illustrated using graph. The graph shown water consumption per day in household, when the water start flowing through the sensor, that sensor start measuring the volume of water and send data to IoT platform. Using this system when the data reach the specified limit of water consumption specified, an alert on the excessive usage of water is send to the home user through notification to the phone.
The water supply management in the world has always brought challenges. Water is an essential resource to human survival; however, for an adequate water distribution, some important factors must be considered to guarantee the supplying. Among them, the losses in pipes characterize a point of greater fragility in the whole process of water distribution.
According to the International Benchmarking Network for Water and Sanitation Services - IBNET, and based on studies conducted in developing countries, 35% of water is lost on average. Considering the causes for water losses, the main ones are technical failures in the distribution process and leaks caused by regular use every day. In addition, there are some tradeoffs regarding water loss control.
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