Smart Door Opening System and Person Identification Alert System Using RFID

RFID, Radio Frequency Identification is a fundamental and inexpensive technology that enables wireless data transmission. This technology has not been very often used in industry due to lack of standardization among the manufacturing companies earlier. RFID technologies are efficient and secure compare too their network. With RFID, wireless automatic identification takes a very specific form: the object, location, or individual is marked with a unique identifier code contained with an RFID tag, which is in some way attached to or embedded in the target .RFID is not a single product but a comprehensive system, atypical RFID system include three basic elements: RFID tag (transponder), reader (transceiver) and back-end application system (or database), which demands the support of the computer network. The software is used for management, controlling, transaction, operation and maintaining record of the various users.

Project Description


              RFID, radio frequency identification  is  an  inexpensive  technology, can be  implemented for several  applications such as  security,  asset  tracking,  people  tracking,  inventory  detection,  access control applications. The main objective of this paper is to design and implement a digital security system which can deploy in secured zone where only authentic person can be entered.The advantage of using  passive RFID is that it functions  without  a  battery  and  passive  tags  are  lighter  and  are  less expensive than the active tags. A centralized system manages the controlling, transaction and operation task.  The door locking system functions in real time as the door open quickly when user put their tag in contact of reader.  The system also creates a log containing check-in and check-out of each user along with basic information of user. In recent days every device uses digital technology. For example, identification of digital device using token, door lock system using digital technology, automatic door opening and closing, automatic door lock systems, etc. These kind of systems is used for controlling the movement of a door without using a key.


  • Arduino Microcontroller
  • RFID Reader
  • RFID Tag
  • Node MCU
  • Relay driver
  • Motor
  • 16*2 Display (LCD Display)
  • Power Supply 

Project Block Diagram

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