Now days, the water distribution system, there is a lot of corruption at water distribution points. It is managed manually and decentralized way. The Water is an significant resource for individual human and its existence. Currently the population in cities are increasing rapidly, due to certain amount of people migration from a rural area to urban areas. To meet the need of water requirement, its distribution and quality check, a novel approach is proposed which is based on IOT (Internet of Things).
Now days, the water distribution system, there is a lot of corruption at water distribution points. It is managed manually and decentralized way. The Water is an significant resource for individual human and its existence. Currently the population in cities are increasing rapidly, due to certain amount of people migration from a rural area to urban areas. To meet the need of water requirement, its distribution and quality check, a novel approach is proposed which is based on IOT (Internet of Things). The proposed system consists of a microcontroller. A water control valve is controlled through web server to ensure equal and adequate water distribution to each connection (end point). The distribution of water and management of water flow through the pipe can be controlled in this paper. By using Android mobile phone we can able to control and operate the distribute of water level through the server.
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